Mechanisms of Mediumship

Mechanisms of Mediumship

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Special Note(s)

This book is part of the André Luiz Collection: Life in the Spiritual World, book XI.


Using the physical sciences of the material world as a reference, André Luiz offers an enlightening study of the intricate mechanisms of mediumship.

He offers mediums and students of mediumistic phenomena the resources needed for understanding complex questions pertaining to physics and physiology, which are intelligently related to the many aspects of mediumship.

HE emphasizes the importance of a mediumship centered on the teachings of Jesus, exaplining that besides the knowledge required, both discipline and responsibility appear as factors for the progress of individuals who devote themselves to communicating wit the Greater World according to the principles of the Gospel and the Spiritist Doctrine.

About the Author(s)

[Refer to links below.]

Bibliographic Information
Title: Mechanisms of Mediumship
Author(s): Francisco Xavier, Waldo Vieira and André Luiz (spirit)
Language: English
Source: Translated material from the original Brazilian Portuguese edition
Translation: Darrel W. Kimble and Ily Reis
Publisher: Federação Espírita Brasileira (FEB)
Location: Brasília – DF, Brazil
Publication Date: September 18, 2018 (1st edition)
Number of pages: 176
ISBN(10): 85-9466-232-7
ISBN(13): 978-85-9466-232-3
Book size (W×H×T): 5½" × 8⅕" × ½" (14.0cm × 21.0cm × 1.3cm)
Print type: Black font on light tan background
Book format(s): Paperback
Original Material
Title: Mecanismos da Mediunidade
Publisher: Federação Espírita Brasileira (FEB)
Location: Brasília – DF, Brazil
Publication Date: 1959
Language: Brazilian Portuguese