Who Is Afraid of Death?

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[Back Cover] Spiritual body, problems in the great transition, abortion, suicide, euthanasia, cremation, fatal accidents, cemeteries, funerals, premonition, death of children… These and many other topics are discussed in this book. The author describes the circumstances and problems associated with the return to the Spiritual World. The reader will find in these pages an invaluable contribution to overcome age-old fears and anguish that disturb people when dealing with death.

The book offers the reader a good-humored insight on death. Richard Simonetti shows that death is far from being that horrible skeleton with its sinister scythe, tearing our hopes apart; instead, death is rather a door that leads us into the spiritual world, where we have come from, where our true nation lies. In bried chapters, illustrated with cartoons, “Who Is Afraid of Death?” deals with the most important topics concerning the great transition, providing confidence for those who depart and hope and solace for those who stay behind.


About the Author(s)

Richard Simonetti is one of the best-selling Spiritist authors in Brazil. He has many published titles with repeated editions.

A follower of Spiritism, Mr Simonetti has made an outstanding name for himself through his efforts in making topics from the Spiritist Doctrine accessible to the general public, such as reincarnation, the Law of Cause and Effect, mediumistic tuning, spiritual life, and others. His books, written in a clear and straightforward language, are filled with picturesque facts and anecdotes that illustrate the concepts presented therein.


From the Publisher:
Title: Who Is Afraid of Death?
Author(s): Richard Simonetti
Illustrator(s): Celso da Silva
Language: English
Source: Translated material from the original Brazilian Portuguese edition
Translation: Marilda Cortez Cesar Caselato
Publisher: Centro Espírita Amor e Caridade (CEAC) Editora
Location: Bauru – SP, Brazil<
Publication Date: March 1999 (1st edition)
Number of pages: 144
ISBN(10): 85-86359-16-5
ISBN(13): 978-85-86359-16-3
Book size (W×H×T): 5″ × 7″ × ⅜” (12.6cm × 17.9cm × 0.8cm)
Print type: Black font on white background
Book format(s): Paperback


Original Material:
Title: Quem Tem Medo da Morte?
Publisher: Centro Espírita Amor e Caridade (CEAC) Editora
Location: Bauru – SP, Brazil
Publication Date: 1986
Language: Brazilian Portuguese