The Mediums' Book

The Mediums’ Book

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This is the second book of the Spiritist Codification, first published in 1861. Composed of 32 chapters, the book is divided into two main sections. The first part is an overview of Spiritism and a discussion of the many theories used to refute or discredit spiritism, as well as the many inconsistencies in them. The second part comprises a detailed classification of many paranormal phenomena, particularly those that produce communications, and thorough descriptions of the mechanisms that are involved therein. The book also contains serious warnings against unguided use of the ability of mediumship, especially when it is attached to simple curiosity and/or frivolousness. This book helps to clarify why mediumship is a powerful ability, but also a serious responsibility.

About the Authors

Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, known to most by his pseudonym Allan Kardec, was born in Lyon, France on October 3, 1804 in a traditional family that was greatly distinguished in the legal profession and court system. However, he did not pursue those careers and from an early age showed an inclination towards the studies of science and philosophy. Educated in the renowned School of Pestalozzi in Yverdun, Switzerland, Allan Kardec became one of the most eminent pupils of that celebrated teacher and one of the most zealous advertisers of the educational system that would later be of great influence in the reform of the educational system in France and Germany.

Allan Kardec is considered the Codifier of the Spiritist Doctrine for his work on the five books of the Codification—"The Spirits’ Book," "The Mediums’ Book," "The Gospel According to Spiritism," "Heaven and Hell," and "Genesis: Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism."

Book Information

Title: The Mediums’ Book
Author(s): Allan Kardec and several spirits
Language: English
Source: Translated material from the original French edition
Translation: Darrel W. Kimble and Márcia M. Saiz
Publisher: Federação Espírita Brasileira (FEB) / International Spiritist Council (ISC)
Location: Brasília – DF, Brazil
Publication Date: 2010 (2nd edition)
Number of pages: 624
ISBN(10): 85-98161-82-1 (paperback version)
ISBN(13): 978-85-98161-82-2 (paperback version)
978-85-7945-171-3 (digital version)
Book size (W×H×T): 8⅞” × 5⅞” × ¼” (22.5cm × 15.0cm × 0.6cm)
Print type: Black font on white background
Book format(s): Paperback and digital (Kindle)

Original Material

Title: Le Livre des Médiums — Guides des Médiums et des Évocateurs
Publisher: Union Spirite Française et Francophone
Location: Paris, France
Publication Date: January 15, 1861
Language: French