Pinga Fogo with Francisco Xavier

Price: US$20.00 (DVD set edition)

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This special two-DVD edition with English subtitles retrieves the historic program Pinga-Fogo with Francisco Xavier, a veritable milestone of the Brazilian Spiritist Movement. It brings more than two hours of extra footage with interviews, documentaries, and bonus information.
On the evenings of July 28 and December 21 in 1971, the broadcast corporation TV Tupi, channel 4 of São Paulo presented in their news program Pinga-Fogo—loosely translated into "On the line of Fire"—the spiritist medium Francisco Xavier answering questions from news reporters Saulo Gomes, Reali Jr., Helle Alves, and Herculano Pires; the catholic intellectual João de Scantimburgo, and scientist Dr. Hernani Guimarães Andrade.

In those two programs, Francisco Xavier left teachings for millions of individuals from all social and cultural standings concerning the biggest questions in life such as whom we are and where we go after death of the physical body, among many other topics.

During the interviews, Francisco Xavier also discussed the following topics: collective deaths, communication with departed relatives, the moment of death, plastic surgery, cremation, the death penalty, Emmanuel (his spiritual guide) and the priest Manoel da Nóbrega, cryopreservation of the physical body, family planning, abortion, organ transplantation, spiritual materializations, spiritual censorship, psychography, double sight, spiritual surgeries, catholic psychography, the question "Are spiritists conformists?," contact with other planets, the arrival of men on the moon, marriage and divorce, reincarnations, free sex, homosexuality, weapons of mass destruction, and the Vietnam war.

The bonus footage includes: the news reporter and the medium, the great surprise to all news reporters, the emotion 35 years later, the importance of the program Pinga Fogo, remembering Francisco Xavier, honoring Francisco Xavier, and Francisco Xavier—A Story of Love. It also features interviews with other members of the Brazilian spiritist movement such as Francisco Galves, Nena Galves, Dr. Tuffik Mattar, Dr. Marlene Nobre, and Zita Ghilardi.


About the Author

Francisco de Paula Cândido Xavier, or affectionately "Chico" Xavier, was born on April 2, 1910 in Pedro Leopoldo, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. He became recognized as the expressive worker of Spiritism through his mediumship as well as in the field of assistance, social, and spiritual promotion of human beings. Through psychography he published 409 books that have sold an estimated 25 million copies, the profits of which have all been channeled to charitable organizations. He discarnated on June 30, 2002.


From the Publisher:
Title: Pinga Fogo with Francisco Xavier
Director(s): TV Tupi, channel 4, São Paulo
Source: Brazilian news program
Type: Documentary with interviews
Publisher: Versátil Home Video
Location: São Paulo – SP, Brazil
Publication Date: 2013 (1st edition)
Length: 497min (8h and 17min)
ISBN(13): 789-5233-127-70-8
Set size (H×W×T): 7½" × 5½" × ⅝" (19.1cm × 14.0cm × 1.6cm)
Video Format: Full screen 4:3 (1.33:1) and wide screen 5:3 (1.66:1)
Video quality: Black and white
Media format(s): NTSC
Audio language(s): Brazilian Portuguese
Subtitle language(s): English only
Set format(s): DVD disc set
Observation: Some parts of the original documentary could not be restored. During these brief periods, the picture is kept frozen while the audio is played.


Original Material:
Title: Pinga-fogo com Chico Xavier
Publisher: TV Tupi Canal 4 de São Paulo
Location: São Paulo – SP, Brazil
Publication Date: 1971
Language: Brazilian Portuguese