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In what constellation might Alcyone live, soul of his soul and life of his life?

The sweet Alcyone asks to return to the Earth to accompany the great love of her past, Charles, in a new lifetime of trials, sacrifices, and reparations. In an example of profound devotion to her neighbor, she demonstrates her complete loyalty to assist the one for whom she has interceded so much on the spirit plane.

In this gripping historical novel, the spirit Emmanuel takes us back to the frivolous Paris of the 17th century, a city replete with violent sentiments and materialistic illusions that conflict with the eternal truths of the soul. By means of the psychography of Francisco Cândido Xavier, the spiritual author’s collaborator, we are introduced to another one of Emmanuel’s incarnations, this time as Father Damiano, vicar of St. Vincent’s Church in Avila, Spain, and the couple’s contemporary protagonist.

About the Author(s)

[Refer to links below.]

Bibliographic Information
Title: Renunciation
Author(s): Francisco Xavier and Emmanuel (spirit)
Language: English
Source: Translated material from the original Brazilian Portuguese edition
Translation: Amy Duncan, Darrel W. Kimble and Márcia Saiz
Publisher: Federação Espírita Brasileira (FEB)/International Spiritist Council (ISC)
Location: Brasília – DF, Brazil
Publication Date: January 1, 2013 (1st edition)
Number of pages: 452
ISBN(10): 85-7945-532-4
ISBN(13): 978-85-7945-532-2
Book size (W×H×T): 5½" × 8⅓" × 1⅛" (14.0cm × 21.2cm × 2.9cm)
Print type: Black font on light tan background
Book format(s): Paperback
Original Material
Title: Renúncia
Publisher: Federação Espírita Brasileira (FEB)
Location: Brasília – DF, Brazil
Publication Date: 1944
Language: Brazilian Portuguese