Light Ahead

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Synopsis: This book is a compilation of spirit messages selected from some of the more than 400 books psychographed by the medium Francisco C. Xavier throughout his life, most of which published in English for the very first time…

Bibliographic Information
Title: Light Ahead
Author(s): Francisco C. Xavier and Several Spirits
Language: English
Source: They were translated from Portuguese with great care and dedication by a team of volunteer translators, who worked very hard to maintain unaltered the fundamental meaning of each lesson, namely, that after all, there is always light ahead.
Translation: Barbara Hawksley and Jussara Korngold
Editing: David Alan Hawksley
Publisher: United States Spiritist Federation
Location: New York, USA
Publication Date: 2021 (1st edition)
Number of pages: 244
ISBN(13): 978-1-948109-22-2
Book size (W×H×T): 5½” × 8½” × 1.1″ (14.0cm × 21.0cm × 1.3cm)
Print type: Black font on white background
Book format(s): Paperback