After Death

After Death

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Among the great apostles of Spiritism, the presence of Léon Denis deserves a very distinctive place, particularly in view of having been the logical follower of llan Kardec’s work. Despite his intense devotion to the study of Spiritism in its three aspects—science, philosophy, and religion—he dedicated mostly to its philosophical aspect.

Among his works, After Death is one of the most important books of classic Spiritist literature. In his poetic prose, a style that we find in his books, Léon Denis presents a scientific and rational solution regarding the problems of life and death, and of the nature and destiny of the human ego in its successive lives.

This book is an able and luminous account of the phenomena and doctrines included under the term "Spiritualism," their relation to modern science and their influence on conduct. It is therefore not surprising that After Death has been translated into several languages and that it continues to elate people all over the world.

About the Author(s)

[Refer to link below.]

Bibliographic Information
Title: After Death
Author(s): Léon Denis
Language: English
Source: Translated material from the original French edition
Translation: George G. Fleurot (1909)
Revision: Jussara Korngold (2017)
Publisher: United States Spiritist Federation (USSF)
Location: New York, NY, USA
Publication Date: February 18, 2017 (1st edition)
Number of pages: 338
ISBN(10): 0-99864-81-0-8
ISBN(13): 978-0-99864-81-0-1
Book size (W×H×T): 5½" × 8⅓" × ⅞" (14.0cm × 21.1cm × 2.1cm)
Print type: Black font on white background
Book format(s): Paperback
Original Material
Title: Après la Mort
Publisher: Union SpiriteFrançaise et Francophone
Location: Paris, France
Publication Date: 1889
Language: French