Message from a Teen in the Spirit World

Message from a Teen
in the Spirit World

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This is a young people’s book dictated by the spirit Meimei to the medium Francisco Xavier. The spirit of Carlos, the deceased child referred to in the title, writes to his brother Dirceu, who is still reincarnated on Earth. Carlos tells about how the soul leaves the body and his impressions at the beginning of his new life with his relatives and new friends; he affirms that life after death is the continuation of life in the physical body, and he emphasizes the fact that we need to live in accordance with the teachings of Jesus.

About the Author(s)

[Refer to links below.]

Bibliographic Information
Title: Message from a Teen in the Spirit World
Author(s): Francisco Xavier and Meimei (spirit)
Language: English
Source: Translated material from the original Brazilian Portuguese edition
Translation: Darrel W. Kimble and Márcia M. Saiz
Publisher: International Spiritist Council (ISC)
Location: Brasília – DF, Brazil
Publication Date: March 16, 2009 (1st edition)
Number of pages: 88
ISBN(10): 85-98161-30-6
ISBN(13): 978-85-98161-30-3
Book size (W×H×T): 6¼" × 9" × ⅓" (15.9cm × 23.0cm × 0.9cm)
Print type: Black font on white background
Book format(s): Paperback
Original Material
Title: Mensagem do Pequeno Morto
Publisher: Federação Espírita Brasileira (FEB)
Location: Brasília – DF, Brazil
Publication Date: 1947
Language: Brazilian Portuguese