The Conscious Being

The Conscious Being

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Special Note(s)

This book is part of the Joanna de Ângelis Collection: The Psychology Series, book V.


Crushed by conflicts that do not diminish in intensity, modern humans look for escape mechanisms in a vain attempt to circumvent their troubles through outward success, acclaim and admiration by society. Nevertheless, their sentiments remain fettered to and marked by anguish and dissatisfaction.

External accomplishments may calm the heart’s anxieties for a while but they cannot eradicate them because outward success cannot appease a person inside.

This unassuming book that we present to our dear readers’ analysis is meant to help them acquire awareness.

It offers nothing that is technically new or miraculous.

It addresses a number of human problems in the light of the fourth-force in psychology, with a bridge to the Spiritist Doctrine, which entails a profound, complete vision of the individual.

About the Author(s)

[Refer to links below.]

Bibliographic Information
Title: The Conscious Being
Author(s): Divaldo Franco and Joanna de Ângelis (spirit)
Language: English
Source: Translated material from the original Brazilian Portuguese edition
Translation: Darrel W. Kimble and Cl´udia de Almeida
Publisher: Livraria Espírita Alvorada Editora (LEAL)
Location: Miami, FL, USA
Publication Date: 2016 (1st edition)
Number of pages: 164
ISBN(10): 1-942408-99-4
ISBN(13): 978-1-942408-99-4
Book size (W×H×T): 3½” × 5¼” × ⅜” (14.0cm × 21.6cm × 1.0cm)
Print type: Black font on white background
Book format(s): Paperback
Original Material
Title: O Ser Consciente
Publisher: Livraria Espírita Alvorada Editora (LEAL)
Location: Salvador – BA, Brazil
Publication Date: 1993
Language: Brazilian Portuguese